Your FEPOW history
There are extracts from over 60 oral history interviews with FEPOW veterans on this site, recorded between 2007-2012. As we know this is only one part of the story; we want family members to have the chance to tell their own stories of what it was like growing up with someone who had gone through survived FEPOW captivity.
It is a chance to write your own family history bringing stories alive for future generations and to remember this often unexplored history of the Second World War.
To help you to do this here are some questions to help you tell your story.
- What was it like growing up with a FEPOW?
- Did your FEPOW relative talk about his experiences?
- Did he keep anything from those years?
- did he share it with you or anyone
- when did you know about his wartime?
- Did your mother speak about it?
- What did your relative feel about his captors?
- Did he keep a diary or artwork created in captivity?
- Were you able to ask questions?
• Get your story written down and images ready before you stating typing/recording
• Get someone to work with you when recording so it is more like a conversation
If you would like help adding your story to the website, then come along to one of our Focus on FEPOW days at Victoria Museum & Gallery and our volunteers will be happy to help.
These are free drop-in sessions focusing on different elements of the exhibition
- 11 am – 3.30 pm Saturday 16 November 2019
- 11 am – 3.30 pm Saturday 15 February 2020
- 11 am – 3.30 pm Saturday 4 April 2020
Privacy Statement

This privacy notice advises you of how we will store and use the information you share with us.
We value your contributions to the ongoing FEPOW story and we can reassure you that your information is stored securely and will be used with your consent.
Further details can be found here